The passion that can be felt strongly throughout the company is also contained in the vision regarding sustainability & the environment. A great sense of responsibility & awareness are evident for Filliers, and not a nice-to-have. The entire production chain has been deliberately set up in that sense. The distillery is installed in function of gravity.
Raw materials are supplied in bulk, and grain is even supplied in raw grain. Per production exactly the amount of scrap for the blend that is needed. Filliers Distillery also has its own wells for water. Surplus is virtually unknown. And there is more.
The “trot”, a by-product after an initial distillation, is particularly rich in nutrients and is collected by local farmers as feed for Brasvar pigs, among others. These pigs prefer to eat it warm, so the farmer comes to get it “fresh”.
Other parts of the distillate explicitly do not belong in the products. The so-called head and tail of the alcohol is collected & processed in the non-food sectors.
Filliers Distillery also distills a lot of herbs, juniper berries, and the mysterious combination of 28 botanicals & fresh fruit in a basic distillate. Once these ingredients have released their taste and aromas in the basic recipe for gin, they are processed by a bio-digester into biogas.
Heat is recovered for the next cooking, or to heat the offices. The wooden barrels in which some drinks mature are never destroyed, but are given a new lease of life in breweries.