The whole idea of Rock Gin was dreamed up while walking their dog, Blue, on Rock Beach. They then named their still Bonanza Boy after their favourite racehorse and now he has now produced a stable of five fabulous gins.
They made their original Rock Gin, which is a smooth dry clear gin with a great lingering taste. They then progressed onto the Pink Rock Gin which is a very dry gin enhanced by red champagne grapes grown for them by their friends at the Pierre Gobillard champagne house in Hautvilliers. Next came the Cornish Gold Rock Gin this being a real gin drinkers tipple as it is very dry and peppery but still smooth and makes the perfect “Dry Martini”. Then along came their Rock Blue Angel Gin which again is a wonderful smooth dry gin with Blue Gardenia flower and grains of paradise which seem to enrich the other botanicals in the gin. Finally they made Rock Orange Sunset, which has a truly orange tang to it which develops more with the addition of tonic.
They make their gin and rum in a very small overcrowded distillery in a beautiful wooded valley and no batch is released without testing it on all the locals and only when they all agree that it is perfect do they release it for sale. They are a small batch distillery and their gin and rum is made with passion and a lot of fun then cut with pure Cornish spring water and here’s hoping the adventure continues.